Paying for a Ticket   

Delta’s Acceptable Forms of Payment

 Ticket Code

 Credit Card


 Agency Check


 American Express Credit Card


 Barclaycard/Visa (Barclays Bank)


 Carte Bleue - Bank Francaises Nationalisees


 MasterCard/Interbank Cards


 Carte Blanche




 Diners Club/Amoco Torch Club


 Discover Credit Card




 Japan Credit Bureau (JCB)


 DC Card (formerly Diamond Credit)


 Delta Air Lines Credit Card (UATP- Equity Card)


 Universal Air Travel Plan (UATP) Equity Card (Includes Airplus and Passage)




 Access Credit Card


Credit Card Identification (CID) Number

As a part of Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance and Delta’s initiatives to protect our mutual customer’s credit card information from fraudulent use, additional security levels have been added to Delta’s online and Reservations booking systems:

  • Delta passengers are required to enter CID information when booking via The CID is required when entering credit card information.

  • CID information is required for bookings ticketed via Delta Reservations.

The CID will be required on bookings where the form of payment is American Express (4-digit ID), Master Card, Visa, Discover and Diner's credit cards. With the exception of American Express, all other forms of payment will have a 3-digit ID.

Note: CID information is not required when using a Universal Air Travel Plan (UATP) card.

For Travel Agencies that ticket via their GDS, Delta does not require you to collect the CID information to issue a ticket on Delta (006) ticket stock. However, if you require additional assistance from a Delta representative and you need to provide customer credit card information over the phone, the CID information will be required in order to complete the transaction.


Agency's Credit Sales Responsibilities

When an agency makes a credit sale, the agency is required to secure a valid authorization code. The agency accepting the form of payment is liable for sales rejected by the credit card company.

If the card holder disputes the charge or fails to pay his credit card bill, Delta Air Lines will not receive payment for the sale. In such cases, we have little recourse with the credit card company and our chances of receiving payment from the cardholder is greatly reduced. Consequently, Delta Air Lines will hold the travel agent responsible for the sale that is rejected by the credit card company or cardholder.


Form Of Payment Changes

Delta no longer process requests to change a form of payment.


Electronic Credit Card Processing (ECCP)

Electronic credit card processing is an industry-wide program enabling the credit card sales of Computer Reservations Systems (CRS) generated tickets to be transmitted electronically to the credit card contractors. Delta Air Lines requires that you adhere to the voiding procedures made available by your respective CRS. You are also required to submit credit card refund notices (CCRNS) on a daily basis to your area settlement bank.

Contact your CRS representative if you have questions about these procedures.


Updated 19 December 2017

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