Check-in Requirements   

Check-In Times at U.S. Airports

Arrival Time at the Airport

Check-in Prior to Departure

At the Gate

Recommended arrival time is
  2 hours prior to departure when traveling within the United States

Recommended arrival time for international departures is at least 3 hours prior to departure

At least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time for domestic travel

At Least 1 hour before the scheduled departure time for international travel


At least 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time

At least 45 minutes before the scheduled departure time for international travel

View a list of cities where exceptions to check-in times apply for domestic travel

Check-In times at International Airports

Arrival Time at the Airport

Check-in Prior to Departure

At the Gate

Recommended arrival time is
3 hours prior to departure when traveling from a destination outside the United States


At least 60 minutes before the scheduled departure time

At least 45 minutes before the scheduled departure time for originating passengers

View a list of cities where exceptions to check-in times apply for international travel

Customers who fail to complete the check-in time limits by these deadlines will not be able to travel on desired flights and change fees may apply.

Check-in Options

Review the check-in option to determine which method of check-in best fits the needs of your customer.

Code-Share Check-In Reminder

Delta passengers traveling on Delta marketed/codeshare partner operated flights are required to check-in with the operating carrier.

Passenger ID Requirements

The documentation needed can vary depending on your customer’s destination.
Acceptable proof of identification includes:

For Travel within the U.S., U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico

One unexpired form of local or federal government-issued photo ID such as:

  • Passport

  • Driver's License

  • Military ID
For Travel Outside of the U.S.

Visit Visa & Passport Information to determine which documents your customers may need to enter a destination country.

For more information about the types of ID accepted at U.S. security checkpoints, visit the Transportation Security Administration.

October 6, 2023

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