Debit Memo Fees   

All tickets issued for travel on Delta must comply with Delta’s applicable contract of carriage, and with all applicable fare rules. Failure to comply with these rules, with Delta’s instructions (including all guidelines posted on Delta's agency website), or with any other provision of the ARC Agent Reporting Agreement or the applicable IATA Passenger Sales Agency Agreement, may result in the issuance of a debit memo to the agency for the amount of loss incurred by Delta as a result.

The fee schedule below is for the specific categories of rule violations:

Late Reported Ticket

Delta Fee Schedule

Fee Scenario


Fee Amount (USD Equiv)

Fee Level


Duplicate Usage (Fee+ discrepancy difference)

Agency action resulting in duplicate usage – flown, refund, exchange.

$ 75.00


Insufficient Information

Ticketing requirements not respected. Ticket missing or incomplete program number, ticket designator, waiver code or INTL ticket number, etc.

$ 75.00


Late Reported Ticket (Fee Only)

Ticket reported outside appropriate time frame.

$ 75.00


Unreported Sale (Value of Ticket+ Fee)

Agency fails to remit on sales report or incomplete void.



Abuse/Fraudulent Ticketing (Discrepancy difference + Fee)

Agency actions facilitate abuse and/or fraud.



No segments DL/KL/AF (Fee Only)

Ticketing 006 without any segments on DL, KL, AF.

$ 75.00


ACM Requested after ADM paid

ADM paid and closed prior to request for consideration.

$ 75.00


Reinstate Ticketing Ability

Agency ticketing inhibited; Agency requests release.



Termination Reinstatement

Agency appointment terminated; Agency requests reappointment.



Rejected Credit Card Charge (Value of Ticket + Fee)

Charge rejected as invalid or unbilled due to incomplete information.



Manual Document Processing

Agency request for manual handling of documents.



Manual Exchange Processing

Agency request for manual handling of documents.



Sales Summary Adjustments

Agency request for ACM for sales reporting omission.

$ 75.00


Unpaid GTRs

Manual Billing of GTR not processed.



Booking and Inventory Abuse

Agency fails to adhere to Booking and Inventory Policy. (Ex: Churning, Duplicate Bookings)



Inventory Circumvention

Married Segment Abuse

$600.00 per segment


Travel agencies can pay debit memos issued by Delta through ARC Memo Manager or directly to the Delta agency collection department. Payments should be mailed to:

Delta Air Lines

Dept. 816

P.O. Box 10159

Atlanta, Georgia 30320

For questions concerning the Delta Fee Policy please refer to or submit questions by email to

For additional information on ARC policies and procedures, visit

For additional information on BSP policies and procedures, visit BSPLink.

Delta Debit Memo Policy

Please review Delta's Debit Memo Policy as it relates to the Sales Audit process and the related process of sending and settling ADM's.

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