Changes to Delta’s Payment Acceptance Policy and Alternative Transfer Methods   

Delta’s Payment Acceptance Policy does not accept the use of Alternative Transfer Methods (ATMs) or use of Agents’ own credit cards to transfer monies collected from a customer and to effect payment via the BSP. Under the applicable IATA resolutions, the use of agent owned credit cards or ATMs is only allowable if the travel agent receives the prior explicit permission of the individual airline and Delta has not granted that permission. Agent owned credit cards and ATMs are not accepted and violate Delta’s Payment Acceptance Policy.

Details of Delta’s Payment Acceptance Policy and Alternative Transfer Methods are available in the Policy Library found on the Delta Professional Travel Agency website.

Failure to Comply

Failure to comply with Delta’s Payment Acceptance Policy may result in issuance of a Debit Memo (ADM) in the amount of 5% of the total amount paid with the ATM being raised. This ADM is intended to compensate for the costs incurred by Delta, when enforcing Delta’s Payment Acceptance Policy.

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